Columbia Bank Recruitment Campaign
While contracting for The Garrigan Lyman Group (GLG), I had the pleasure and opportunity to work on a recruitment campaign for the Columbia Bank. The goal of this campaign was to draw in new talent at the entry-level. Below are some examples are landing pages, social media, and print materials.
Project Manager: Irene Yung / Copywriter: Greg Orbecht / Photographer: Rodrigo DeMedeiros / Designer: Herman Dawson

Employee Testimonial Landing Page
The purpose of the testimonial landing page was to showcase selected Columbia Bank employees to share their stories on how each started from being a teller to executive level. It also leads you to the careers landing page.

Career Landing Page
The careers page landing highlights the perks and benefits of being a part of the Columbia Bank Team.

Social Media Ads
This social media ad would lead you to the testimonial landing pages. Below is an example of all the Columbia Bank employees who were a part of this campaign.

Printed Handout
Printed collateral that is given out at the various Columbia Bank locations to potential employees.